eqSounds | Splice | 365 MB
“Tokyo Nights” 是一个品牌新颖的超级可爱电音融合 J-Pop 采样包,灵感源自霓虹闪烁的东京深夜未来低音电音 (Future Bass) 场景。每个声音均由屡获殊荣的音效设计师 CliffHanga 精心打造。该素材包融合了各种振奋人心的元素,包括动感十足的鼓声、复古电音合成器 (Chiptune Synths)、律动的贝斯线、Lo-Fi 垫音以及超可爱 (Kawaii) 的人声循环段落和采样,可以直接拖拽到您选择的数字音频工作站 (DAW) 或采样器中使用。
毫无疑问,该素材包的独特之处在于超级可爱的各种人声。我们与才华横溢的日本创作歌手 Manami Ochiai 合作并在日本进行了录制,她献上了我们迄今为止录过最朗朗上口的一些旋律线条和短语。
这些声音本身适用于多种风格,包括合成器浪潮 (Synthwave)、Lo-Fi 嘻哈、Lo-Fi 流行、未来车库 (Future Garage)、未来浩室 (Future House) 等众多类型。您的想象力是唯一限制!如果您想让您的音色库更添可爱,那么这就是完美的选择!
Tokyo Nights is a brand new super cute blend of electro infused J-pop, drawing inspiration from the neon glow of the afterdark Tokyo future bass scene. Each sound was handcrafted by Soundsmiths award winning lead sound designer CliffHanga. This kit features some serious inspiration including grooving drums, chiptune synths, pulsing bass lines, lofi pads and super Kawaii vocal loops and one shots all ready to be dragged straight into your chosen DAW or sampler.
Undoubtedly the super Kawaii vocal’s in this kit are what makes this pack unique. Authentically Recorded in Japan, we teamed up with the amazing Japanese singer songwriter Manami Ochiai who laid down some of the catchiest melodic lines and phrases we’ve ever had the pleasure of recording.
The sounds themselves are suitable for a whole array of genres including, synthwave, lofi hip hop, Lofi pop, future garage, future house and many more. Your imagination is your only limit! If you are looking to add some cuteness to your libraries then look no further!
· 195 Samples