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TORI LETZLER: Cinematic Vocals 2

TORI LETZLER: Cinematic Vocals 2

eqSounds | Splice | 603 MB


如我们的使用条款所述,未经Tori Letzler明确书面许可,您不得使用Tori Letzler的名字、形象或肖像。

总部位于洛杉矶的歌手、作曲家和制作人Tori Letzler带着备受期待的后续作品回归Splice,这是继她广受欢迎的样品包“Cinematic Vocals”之后的新作。Tori以其独特的音色和创新的音乐制作方法而闻名,她为包括汉斯·季默(Hans Zimmer)、布莱恩·泰勒(Brian Tyler)、洛恩·巴尔费(Lorne Balfe)和鲁伯特·格雷格森-威廉姆斯(Rupert Gregson-Williams)等重量级作曲家贡献了超过50部作品的声乐部分。特别是,Tori的声音曾出现在“超人:钢铁之躯”(Man of Steel)、“神奇女侠”(Wonder Woman)和“美国恐怖故事”(American Horror Story)等大片的配乐中。她还为Netflix系列剧“In from the cold”创作了配乐,确立了Tori作为电影和电视行业中最受欢迎的独唱声乐家之一的地位。Tori还以她的别名TINYKVT不断发行EDM并进行巡演,获得了包括Deadbeats、Hypnovision、Bassrush、环球唱片和Dim Mak等主要唱片公司的支持。

‘TORI LETZLER: Cinematic Vocals 2’提供了一个真正令人叹为观止的声音调色板,精心制作,细腻地倾注其中。Tori不断进化和提升她的声音设计,这个系列为我们带来了迷人的声乐钩子、迷人的即兴演奏、声乐垫、合成器、无人机、特效和声乐景观,它们唤起了一种诡异、空灵、精致的“湿”质感,以及丰富、真实、高质量的“干”声音。这个多样化的声乐包展示了Tori的丰富经验,无疑将为任何电影般的、动作丰富的、黑暗的、沉思的、另类的或独立的作品、史诗般的视频游戏或动态同步简报增添深度。



歌手、作曲家、制作人 | @toriletzler


As described in our Terms of Use, you may not use Tori Letzler's name, image or likeness without Tori Letzler's express written permission.

Los Angeles-based vocalist, composer, and producer Tori Letzler returns to Splice with the highly anticipated follow-up to her hugely popular sample pack, ‘Cinematic Vocals’. Renowned for her unique tone and innovative music-making approach, Tori has contributed vocals to over 50 scores from heavyweight composers such as Hans Zimmer, Brian Tyler, Lorne Balfe, and Rupert Gregson-Williams. Notably, Tori’s voice has graced blockbuster scores like “Man of Steel”, “Wonder Woman” and “American Horror Story". She also created the score for the Netflix series “In from the cold” establishing Tori as one of the most sought-after vocal soloists in the film and television industry. Tori is continuously releasing EDM & touring under her alias TINYKVT, for which she has received major label support including Deadbeats, Hypnovision, Bassrush, Universal, and Dim Mak.

‘TORI LETZLER: Cinematic Vocals 2’ delivers a truly breathtaking sonic palette, expertly crafted and delicately poured over. Continuously evolving and elevating her sound design, this collection gives us captivating vocal hooks, enchanting adlibs, vocal pads, synths, drones, fx and vocal scapes that evoke haunted, ethereal, and delicate 'wet' textures, alongside rich, honest, high-quality 'dry' sounds. The diverse vocal pack showcases Tori's extensive experience and will undoubtedly add depth to any cinematic, action-packed, dark, pensive, alternative or indie release, epic video game, or dynamic sync brief.


Behind the samples:

Vocalist, composer, producer | @toriletzler




     ·     211 Samples

下载价格2 积分
大小:eqSounds | Splice | 603 MB

如我们的使用条款所述,未经Tori Letzler明确书面许可,您不得使用Tori Letzler的名字、形象或肖像。

总部位于洛杉矶的歌手、作曲家和制作人Tori Letzler带着备受期待的后续作品回归Splice,这是继她广受欢迎的样品包“Cinematic Vocals”之后的新作。Tori以其独特的音色和创新的音乐制作方法而闻名,她为包括汉斯·季默(Hans Zimmer)、布莱恩·泰勒(Brian Tyler)、洛恩·巴尔费(Lorne Balfe)和鲁伯特·格雷格森-威廉姆斯(Rupert Gregson-Williams)等重量级作曲家贡献了超过50部作品的声乐部分。特别是,Tori的声音曾出现在“超人:钢铁之躯”(Man of Steel)、“神奇女侠”(Wonder Woman)和“美国恐怖故事”(American Horror Story)等大片的配乐中。她还为Netflix系列剧“In from the cold”创作了配乐,确立了Tori作为电影和电视行业中最受欢迎的独唱声乐家之一的地位。Tori还以她的别名TINYKVT不断发行EDM并进行巡演,获得了包括Deadbeats、Hypnovision、Bassrush、环球唱片和Dim Mak等主要唱片公司的支持。

‘TORI LETZLER: Cinematic Vocals 2’提供了一个真正令人叹为观止的声音调色板,精心制作,细腻地倾注其中。Tori不断进化和提升她的声音设计,这个系列为我们带来了迷人的声乐钩子、迷人的即兴演奏、声乐垫、合成器、无人机、特效和声乐景观,它们唤起了一种诡异、空灵、精致的“湿”质感,以及丰富、真实、高质量的“干”声音。这个多样化的声乐包展示了Tori的丰富经验,无疑将为任何电影般的、动作丰富的、黑暗的、沉思的、另类的或独立的作品、史诗般的视频游戏或动态同步简报增添深度。



歌手、作曲家、制作人 | @toriletzler


As described in our Terms of Use, you may not use Tori Letzler’s name, image or likeness without Tori Letzler’s express written permission.

Los Angeles-based vocalist, composer, and producer Tori Letzler returns to Splice with the highly anticipated follow-up to her hugely popular sample pack, ‘Cinematic Vocals’. Renowned for her unique tone and innovative music-making approach, Tori has contributed vocals to over 50 scores from heavyweight composers such as Hans Zimmer, Brian Tyler, Lorne Balfe, and Rupert Gregson-Williams. Notably, Tori’s voice has graced blockbuster scores like “Man of Steel”, “Wonder Woman” and “American Horror Story”. She also created the score for the Netflix series “In from the cold” establishing Tori as one of the most sought-after vocal soloists in the film and television industry. Tori is continuously releasing EDM & touring under her alias TINYKVT, for which she has received major label support including Deadbeats, Hypnovision, Bassrush, Universal, and Dim Mak.

‘TORI LETZLER: Cinematic Vocals 2’ delivers a truly breathtaking sonic palette, expertly crafted and delicately poured over. Continuously evolving and elevating her sound design, this collection gives us captivating vocal hooks, enchanting adlibs, vocal pads, synths, drones, fx and vocal scapes that evoke haunted, ethereal, and delicate ‘wet’ textures, alongside rich, honest, high-quality ‘dry’ sounds. The diverse vocal pack showcases Tori’s extensive experience and will undoubtedly add depth to any cinematic, action-packed, dark, pensive, alternative or indie release, epic video game, or dynamic sync brief.


Behind the samples:

Vocalist, composer, producer | @toriletzler


     ·     211 Samples

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