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Trap Caviar 4

Trap Caviar 4

eqSounds | Splice | 737 MB


Trap Caviar 4 来了,它简直就是魔法。想象一下:Dabow 和 Svgar 创作的黑暗而美丽的合成器,以恰到好处的粘性跳动,搭配新人 JC 带来的清新明亮的吉他旋律,感觉就像一股清新的空气。然后,Zain Wolf 负责的 FX 和 Fyre 和 Skimmy 负责的鼓点完美地叠加在一起,你会怀疑自己之前是如何在没有它们的情况下制作节拍的。这个采样包的目标只有一个:创作出适合电台播放的歌曲。

它是光明与黑暗、柔和与粗犷的终极平衡——但每个声音都具有完美的节奏和感觉,可以融入你的下一首热门歌曲。哦,最棒的是什么?每个声音都是 100% 免版税的,因此你可以不受限制地专注于创作。千万不要错过——Trap Caviar 4 将成为你的下一个首选。


Trap Caviar 4 is here, and it’s pure magic. Imagine this: dark, beautiful synths by Dabow and Svgar that bounce with just the right stickiness, paired with fresh, bright guitar melodies from newcomer JC that feel like a breath of fresh air. Then, layer it all FX by Zain wolf & with drums from Fyre and Skimmy that hit so perfectly, you’ll wonder how you ever made beats without them. This pack is built for one thing: creating radio-ready songs.

It’s the ultimate balance of light and dark, soft and gritty—but every sound has the perfect tempo and feel to fit your next hit. Oh, and the best part? Every single sound is 100% royalty-free, so you can focus on creating without limits. Don’t miss this—Trap Caviar 4 is your next go-to.


     ·     294 Samples

下载价格10 积分
大小:eqSounds | Splice | 737 MB

Trap Caviar 4 来了,它简直就是魔法。想象一下:Dabow 和 Svgar 创作的黑暗而美丽的合成器,以恰到好处的粘性跳动,搭配新人 JC 带来的清新明亮的吉他旋律,感觉就像一股清新的空气。然后,Zain Wolf 负责的 FX 和 Fyre 和 Skimmy 负责的鼓点完美地叠加在一起,你会怀疑自己之前是如何在没有它们的情况下制作节拍的。这个采样包的目标只有一个:创作出适合电台播放的歌曲。

它是光明与黑暗、柔和与粗犷的终极平衡——但每个声音都具有完美的节奏和感觉,可以融入你的下一首热门歌曲。哦,最棒的是什么?每个声音都是 100% 免版税的,因此你可以不受限制地专注于创作。千万不要错过——Trap Caviar 4 将成为你的下一个首选。


Trap Caviar 4 is here, and it’s pure magic. Imagine this: dark, beautiful synths by Dabow and Svgar that bounce with just the right stickiness, paired with fresh, bright guitar melodies from newcomer JC that feel like a breath of fresh air. Then, layer it all FX by Zain wolf & with drums from Fyre and Skimmy that hit so perfectly, you’ll wonder how you ever made beats without them. This pack is built for one thing: creating radio-ready songs.

It’s the ultimate balance of light and dark, soft and gritty—but every sound has the perfect tempo and feel to fit your next hit. Oh, and the best part? Every single sound is 100% royalty-free, so you can focus on creating without limits. Don’t miss this—Trap Caviar 4 is your next go-to.


     ·     294 Samples



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