eqSounds | Splice | 464 MB
还记得那次你慢慢地飘进一个满是人的体育场,当你挥手致意的时候,喇叭声响起了吗?哦,你不记得了?那么,在Audeobox,我们不希望有任何其他方式。我们在这个新的系列 “凯旋 “中挖得很深,打到了瓦尔哈拉。每个制作人/作家/艺术家都应该感到不被打败,无论在什么场合。我们的人Svgar、Dabow和Skimmy(鼓手)疯狂地使用这些循环。在这个新系列中,只有硬梆梆的冠军感觉 喇叭/弦乐/合成器和鼓。
Remember that time you slowly drifted into a stadium full of people and the trumpets sounded off as you waved in victory? Oh you dont?! Well then, here at Audeobox we wouldn’t want it any other way. We dug so deep we hit Valhalla on this new series “Triumphant”. Every producer/writer/artist should feel undefeated no matter the occasion. Our guys Svgar, Dabow & Skimmy (drums) went crazy with the loops. Nothing but hard hittin champion feeling Horns/Strings/Synths & drums in this new series.
· 157 Samples