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UK Garage & Vocals

UK Garage & Vocals

eqSounds | Splice | 803 MB


Loopmasters 呈献 UK Garage & Vocals – 一款现代 UK Garage 样本包

深入探索 UK Garage & Vocals 的充满活力的世界,感受 UK Garage 的传染性节奏与迷人的女性人声的完美结合。作为 Sample Tools by Cr2 十周年庆典的 10 个特别周年纪念包之一,这个近 500 个样本的发布为您带来最震撼的节拍和最奢华的人声。

灵感源自 MJ Cole、Disclosure、Preditah 和 Rudimental 等流派巨头,UK Garage & Vocals 捕捉了 UK Garage 的流行节拍和深情旋律的精髓。深入探索丰富多彩的贝斯线、洗牌鼓模式、奢华的和弦刺音和富有感染力的旋律堆栈,每一个元素都旨在为您的作品增添深度和个性。

突出人声实力,这个资源包包含 3 个精心制作的歌曲启动套件,包括丰富的人声主旋律、伴唱和和声。从一系列令人振奋的人声钩子中选择,或使用任何伴唱或人声短语为您的作品增添闪光。这些套件为创作既正宗又现代风格的曲目提供了无缝的起点。

无论您是制作经典的 UK Garage 还是将元素融入当代 Pop 和 Garage 曲目,UK Garage & Vocals 都为您提供了将音效提升到新高度的工具。

人声。我们是 Sample Tools by Cr2,这是…… UK Garage & Vocals!


Dive into the vibrant world of UK Garage & Vocals, where the infectious rhythms of UK Garage meet captivating female vocals. As one of the 10 specially anniversary packs to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Sample Tools by Cr2, this nearly 500-sample release brings you the thumpiest beats and lushest vocals.

Inspired by genre giants, including MJ Cole, Disclosure, Preditah, and Rudimental, UK Garage & Vocals captures the essence of UK Garage's poppy beats and soulful melodies. Dive into a treasure trove of groovy basslines, shuffled drum patterns, lush chord stabs, and evocative melodic stacks, each designed to bring depth and character to your productions.

Highlighting the vocal prowess, this pack features 3 expertly crafted songstarter kits including female vocal toplines enriched with adlibs and harmonies. Choose from a range of inspiring vocal hooks, or add sparkle tp you production with any of the adlibs or vocal phrases. These kits provide a seamless starting point for creating tracks that resonate with both authenticity and modern flair.

Whether you're producing classic UK Garage or blending elements into contemporary Pop and Garage tracks, UK Garage & Vocals equips you with the tools to elevate your sound to new heights.

Vocals. We are Sample Tools by Cr2, and this is... UK Garage & Vocals!




     ·     491 Samples

下载价格2 积分
大小:eqSounds | Splice | 803 MB

Loopmasters 呈献 UK Garage & Vocals – 一款现代 UK Garage 样本包

深入探索 UK Garage & Vocals 的充满活力的世界,感受 UK Garage 的传染性节奏与迷人的女性人声的完美结合。作为 Sample Tools by Cr2 十周年庆典的 10 个特别周年纪念包之一,这个近 500 个样本的发布为您带来最震撼的节拍和最奢华的人声。

灵感源自 MJ Cole、Disclosure、Preditah 和 Rudimental 等流派巨头,UK Garage & Vocals 捕捉了 UK Garage 的流行节拍和深情旋律的精髓。深入探索丰富多彩的贝斯线、洗牌鼓模式、奢华的和弦刺音和富有感染力的旋律堆栈,每一个元素都旨在为您的作品增添深度和个性。

突出人声实力,这个资源包包含 3 个精心制作的歌曲启动套件,包括丰富的人声主旋律、伴唱和和声。从一系列令人振奋的人声钩子中选择,或使用任何伴唱或人声短语为您的作品增添闪光。这些套件为创作既正宗又现代风格的曲目提供了无缝的起点。

无论您是制作经典的 UK Garage 还是将元素融入当代 Pop 和 Garage 曲目,UK Garage & Vocals 都为您提供了将音效提升到新高度的工具。

人声。我们是 Sample Tools by Cr2,这是…… UK Garage & Vocals!


Dive into the vibrant world of UK Garage & Vocals, where the infectious rhythms of UK Garage meet captivating female vocals. As one of the 10 specially anniversary packs to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Sample Tools by Cr2, this nearly 500-sample release brings you the thumpiest beats and lushest vocals.

Inspired by genre giants, including MJ Cole, Disclosure, Preditah, and Rudimental, UK Garage & Vocals captures the essence of UK Garage’s poppy beats and soulful melodies. Dive into a treasure trove of groovy basslines, shuffled drum patterns, lush chord stabs, and evocative melodic stacks, each designed to bring depth and character to your productions.

Highlighting the vocal prowess, this pack features 3 expertly crafted songstarter kits including female vocal toplines enriched with adlibs and harmonies. Choose from a range of inspiring vocal hooks, or add sparkle tp you production with any of the adlibs or vocal phrases. These kits provide a seamless starting point for creating tracks that resonate with both authenticity and modern flair.

Whether you’re producing classic UK Garage or blending elements into contemporary Pop and Garage tracks, UK Garage & Vocals equips you with the tools to elevate your sound to new heights.

Vocals. We are Sample Tools by Cr2, and this is… UK Garage & Vocals!


     ·     491 Samples

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