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Omar Davis,也被称为 Moore Kismet,是下一代新兴电子音乐艺术家中的佼佼者。这位来自加利福尼亚州、非二元性和泛性恋的18岁音乐神童,已成为LGBTQ+青少年的倡导者,代表了做自己所是的美好。自15岁以来,他们已三次被列入Billboard 21岁以下榜单,发布了他们的首张专辑《UNIVERSE》,并成为在Lollapalooza和EDC拉斯维加斯表演的最年轻艺术家,证明了他有着非凡的才能和未来电子音乐方面的耀眼光芒。
“Unicorn Time Capsule” 是对这段定义他们音乐风格的形成性年华的致敬。他们将其描述为“奇怪和美丽的等量部分”。主场的怪异与精细的低音设计相遇,其独特性前所未闻——您可以期待到 tastefully-maximized 的Drums、粒度突变以及广阔的旋律全景。
“抱歉我迟到了!我的 Lyfticorn 和我遇到了最糟糕的交通堵塞。洛杉矶,对吧?无论如何,我的公关告诉我你想知道更多关于这个胶囊的事情,”他们风中凌乱地说。”我只是想通过独特层次和元素创造出一些新的声音,就像我自己的音乐作品一样可以一分为二…我希望创建一个工具包,让任何技能水平的制作人都能制作任何种类和所有类型的美妙而奇异的独角兽魔法!!”
At the helm of the next generation of emerging electronic music artists, California native Omar Davis, better known as Moore Kismet, is in a class of their own. The non-binary and pansexual 18-year-old musical prodigy has become an advocate for LGBTQ+ teens and represents the beauty of what it means to be who you are. Since 15, they’ve been included three times on Billboard’s 21 Under 21, released their debut album “UNIVERSE”, and have become the youngest artist to perform at Lollapalooza and EDC Las Vegas, proving themself to be a bright light and incredible talent in the future of electronic music.
‘Unicorn Time Capsule’ is a tribute to these formative years spent defining their sound, which they describe as “equal parts strangeness and equal parts beauty.” Mainstage-ready wonkiness meets intricate bass design like nothing we’ve heard before—expect tastefully-maximized drums, granular mutations, and vast melodic panoramas.
“Sorry I’m late! My Lyfticorn and I were stuck in the absolute worst traffic. LA, right? Anyway, my publicist told me that you wanted to know more about the capsule,” they told us, windswept. “I really just wanted to conjure up some new sounds with unique layers and elements that you could pick apart as I do with my own work…my goal was to create a toolkit for any producer at any skill level to make any and all kinds of beautifully strange unicorn magic with!!”