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Velvet Room

Velvet Room

eqSounds | Splice | 566 MB


由 Erick Bardales 创作,Splice Originals 的《Velvet Room》受到了 Anderson .Paak 制作风格的启发,并融入了 Erick 自己对旋律的独特诠释。他与 CoolNasty 的鼓手 Wayne “Doc” Matthews 合作,后者在这个包中演奏了 Ludwig Questlove Pocket Kit。

对于那些对设备感兴趣的人,Erick 向我们详细介绍了他们的录音设置。他们在洛杉矶市中心的 EQT Studios 录制了鼓声,使用了一对 Neumanns KM184 作为顶置麦克风,连接到 Apollo x8,并使用了 UAD 1084 一体式前置放大器。他们用 Neumann u87 录制军鼓,连接到 Rupert Neve Shelford 通道,以及用 Audix D6 录制底鼓,连接到 BAE 1084 前置放大器。

Erick 使用 XLN RC20 和 Audiothing Reels 对鼓声进行处理,赋予它们鼓点样本的感觉,同时在底鼓上使用了 UAD VOG by Little Labs 来增加饱满度和低频。对于旋律循环,他使用了 The Prince by Frank Dukes、ANA2、Mellotron M4000D Mini 和 Prophet REV2。他在混音总线上使用了 Ozone 8、Sonnox Inflator、Jaycen Joshua 的 The God Particle 和 Fabfilter Pro L2。


Created by Erick Bardales, Splice Originals: Velvet Room was inspired by the Anderson .Paak style of production with Erick’s own twist on the melodies. He collaborated with drummer Wayne “Doc” Matthews from CoolNasty for this pack who played on a Ludwig Questlove Pocket Kit.

For the gear heads out there, Erick told us all about their recording setup. They recorded the drums at EQT Studios in downtown LA using a stereo pair of Neumanns KM184 for the overheads going into the Apollo x8 and using the UAD 1084 unison preamps. They used a Neumann u87 for the snare drum, going into a Rupert Neve Shelford channel, and an Audix D6 going into a BAE 1084 preamp for the kick drum.

Erick used XLN RC20 and Audiothing Reels to process the drums and give them that drum break sample vibe, along with UAD VOG by Little Labs on the kick drum to give it some body and low end. For the melodic loops, he used The Prince by Frank Dukes, ANA2, Mellotron M4000D Mini, and Prophet REV2. He used Ozone 8, Sonnox Inflator, The God Particle by Jaycen Joshua, and Fabfilter Pro L2 on his mix bus.




     ·     272 Samples

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