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Vintage Keys Loops

Vintage Keys Loops

eqSounds | Splice | 174 MB

来自ModeAudio的 “Vintage Keys Loops “为您带来了经典琴键和令人垂涎的舞台钢琴的所有尘封的、舒缓的温暖。

这个免版税的集合提供了50种美味的键盘,提供了所有的模糊、饱和的复古电钢琴的感觉,如Mark 1、Wurlitzer和Pianet,分布在一系列不同的和弦进展、光滑的riffs和流畅的旋律中。


这套曲子的速度为80、90和120 Bpm,可以直接放入你的下一个作品中,无论你是在制作烟熏的Hip Hop、枕头式R&B还是弹跳的House bangers。

把那些家庭式的键盘舒适感直接带入你的下一个旋律–现在就下载 “Vintage Keys Loops”!

‘Vintage Keys Loops’ from ModeAudio brings you all the dusty, soothing warmth of classic keys and coveted stage pianos, presenting a fresh set of loops steeped in syncopated, Jazzy flavours and begging to be dripped generously over your beats!

This royalty-free collection serves up 50 delicious keyboard treats, delivering all the fuzzy, saturated vibe of vintage electric pianos such as the Mark 1, Wurlitzer and Pianet, spread across a diverse set of chord progressions, slick riffs and smooth melodies.

Brimming with the subtle drive of guitar amps and sultry shiver of retro spring reverb, each loop has been recorded by a seasoned keyboardist and oozes with the expressive, dexterous flair and feel of live performance.

Spanning tempos of 80, 90 and 120 Bpm, the complete set is ready to drop straight into your next production, whether you’re cooking up smoky Hip Hop, pillowy R&B or bouncing House bangers.

Bring those homely keyboard comforts direct to your next groove – download ‘Vintage Keys Loops’ now!



     ·     74 Samples

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