eqSounds | Splice | 907 MB
我们知道你热爱流行音乐,也知道你热爱陷阱音乐。所以,我们为你带来这两种绝妙音乐风格的融合——我们的全新采样包“Viral Pop Trap”!
- 超棒的鼓采样。不,它们绝对令人难以置信,将帮助你把声音提升到最高水平,用强劲、高质量的鼓声取悦你的听众。
- 富有创意且多样化的旋律循环。我们收录了各种合成器和乐器,完美捕捉了这种音乐风格的氛围和情绪,让你的音轨真正具有辨识度。
- 强劲且充满能量的鼓循环,让你能够快速产生酷炫的想法,并将其发展为未来让你的粉丝疯狂的爆款。
We know you love pop music. We know you love trap. That’s why we’re introducing you to the fusion of these two amazing genres – our new sample pack, "Viral Pop Trap"!
In this pack, you will find the perfect samples for creating real hit tracks in no time. Every sound is designed to be "ready to use" and will instantly fit into your next track!
Inside this pack, you will find:
Awesome drum samples. No, they are truly incredible and will help you take your sound to the highest level, delighting your listeners with powerful, high-quality drums.
Creative and diverse melodic loops. We’ve included a variety of synths and instruments that perfectly capture the vibe and mood of the genre, making your track really recognizable
Powerful and charged drum loops that allow you to quickly create a cool idea and develop it into a future banger for your fans
We’ve put a lot of effort into this sample pack and hope it makes a significant contribution to your amazing creativity.
· 697 Samples