eqSounds | Splice | 343 MB
Vocal Glaze: Power Pop Chops为您提供美味的、突破边界的人声样本和未来流行音乐的钩子,再加上适量的糖分处理。我们的有机来源的人声已经在内部进行了专业的准备,使用顶级的设备、专业的人声工程和对细节的一丝不苟。我们的标志性配方是纽曼话筒和模拟前置放大器,其结果是最高质量的纹理和味道。
Vocal Glaze: Power Pop Chops serves a delicious sprinkling of boundary-pushing vocal samples and future pop chopped hooks, dusted with just the right amount of sugary processing. Our organically sourced vocals have been expertly prepped in-house, with top of the range equipment, professional vocal engineering and meticulous attention to detail. Our signature recipe of Neumann microphones and analogue pre-amps results in the highest quality textures and flavours.
Expect inspirational hooks, tasty chants and shouts, vocoded stacks and sweet chord progressions. At the centre, you’ll find a generous helping of chopped vocal phrases, ambient voices, heavily pitched acapellas and formant shifted melodies. Whatever your fancy, this collection provides customised inspiration for your next track or sweet vocal toppings to add the final glaze.
· 213 Samples