eqSounds | Splice | 559 MB
《Vocal Hooks: Magenta》是一款独特的情感女声样本集,由91Vocals团队在内部录制,使用我们的标志性高端麦克风链和行业标准模拟硬件。包括超过100个带有和声、堆叠音、短语和即兴演唱的人声钩子,同时提供湿音和干音版本,最大限度地提高了灵活性。发现完美的悦耳旋律,或者切割并重新调整清晰、干净的无伴奏歌声,创造出新的创意和独特的声音。所有原创且免版税。
我们从四个不同的音调和节奏的录音中选出了我们最喜欢的演出,并进行了透明的音高和时间校正。专业人声工程师和获得格莱美提名的流行音乐制作人Charlie McClean以极致的细节混音和处理了这些人声录音,她在人声调音和编辑方面有着丰富的经验。每个循环都经过仔细的键标记和节拍锁定。
Vocal Hooks: Magenta is a distinctive collection of soulful female vocal samples, recorded in-house by the 91Vocals team using our signature chain of high-end microphones and industry-standard analog hardware. Featuring over 100 vocal hooks with harmonies, stacks, phrases, and adlibs, with both wet and dry versions included maximizing flexibility. Discover the perfect topline or chop and re-pitch crisp, clean acapellas to create new ideas and stand-out sounds. All original and royalty-free.
Our favorite performances from sessions in four different keys and tempos were selected and transparently tuned and timed. Pro vocal engineer and Grammy-nominated pop producer Charlie McClean mixed and processed the vocal sessions with meticulous attention to detail, lending her expertise in vocal tuning and editing. Every loop has been carefully key-tagged and tempo locked.
Please note: This sample pack contains vocals only. All instrumental elements heard in the demo track are for illustration purposes only. Demo created by Capsun.
· 270 Samples