eqSounds | Splice | 192 MB
Vocal Hype – Shouts & Hooks 包含高能量的声乐下降、引人注目的口语短语和必不可少的单次击球切分。 超过 100 个声乐片段和一次性拍摄以及 50 个声乐短语循环(总共 100 个湿润和干净)。 非常适合添加独特的个性和顶级嘶嘶声。 振奋人心的歌声可以为 drop 添加关键因素,或者作为您下一个想法的鼓舞人心的基础。 我们突袭了我们的声乐会议,只选择了最艰难的口语 vox 切分。 始终如一,保证原创和 100% 免版税。
我们使用来自各种不同歌手的原创人声创建了堆叠的喊叫声和群体咕噜声。 期待经典的 Trap 颂歌、嘿和 what – 处理宽泛和干净,随时可以为您的节拍添加打击乐般的刺拳。 城市喊话、失真和饱和的咕噜声和叫喊声与女性和男性短语和单词并存。 您会找到经典的声乐炒作一次性拍摄,非常适合 House、D&B、Hip Hop 等。 我们还添加了一部分干净的处理过的单音符声乐刺拳,以放入您的采样器中并创建新的未来 vox 旋律。
我们录制了男性 Dancehall 人声、经典 House 和 EDM 风格的女性人声短语以及一系列情感短语。 这些被塑造成时间同步的切分 fx 循环。 为了增加多功能性,所有循环都包含我们选择的 fx 或准备好的“Clean”的“Wet”,供您重新处理和效果。
Vocal Hype – Shouts & Hooks features high energy vocal drops, hyped spoken phrases and essential one shot chops. Over 100 vocal cuts and one shots and 50 vocal phrase loops (100 wet and clean total). Perfect to add unique character and topline sizzle. Hyped vocals can add the key to the drop or act as an inspirational foundation for your next idea. We’ve raided our vocal sessions and selected only the toughest spoken vox chops. As always, guaranteed original and 100% royalty free.
We created stacked shouts and group grunts using original vocals from a wide range of different vocalists. Expect classic Trap chants, heys and whats – processed wide and clean and ready to add percussive stabs to your beat. City shoutouts, distorted and saturated grunts and calls sit alongside female and male phrases and words. You’ll find classic vocal hype one shots, ideal for House, D&B, Hip Hop and more. We also added a section of clean processed single note vocal stabs to throw into your sampler and create new future vox melodies.
We recorded male Dancehall vocals, classic House and EDM style female vocal phrases and a selection of emotive phrases. These were moulded into time-synced and chopped fx loops. For extra versatility, all loops are included ‘Wet’ with our chosen fx or prepared ‘Clean’, ready for you to reprocess and effect.
· 210 Samples