eqSounds | Splice | 2.7 GB
Voice Of Wind – Connie是我们的模块化女声独唱系列的第四卷,风之声。每一卷都集中在一个具有独特创作风格的新歌手身上,并配有完整的旋律乐句,可用于任何音乐项目。本版重点介绍康妮-杜兰清脆而富有活力的女中音嗓音。她开朗、丝滑、光洁的声乐特点毫不费力地融合了爵士、歌舞、民谣、蓝调、流行和音乐剧的唱法。
Voice Of Wind – Connie is the fourth volume in our modular female solo vocal series Voices of Wind. Each volume focuses on a new vocalist with a distinct creative style and comes complete with melodic phrases ready for any music project coming your way. This edition focuses on the crisp and spirited mezzo-soprano voice of Connie Doolan. Her cheerful, silky, and polished vocal character effortlessly fuses jazz, cabaret, folk, blues, pop, and musical theatre vocal styles.
This sample pack includes over 300 live melodic phrases recorded at 140bpm for both Bright and Dark categories.
· 303 Samples