eqSounds | Splice | 667 MB
沉浸于“Amapiano All Stars” 素材包中,开启您对 Amapiano 音乐世界充满活力的探索之旅,该素材包专为爱好者和制作人精心挑选整理。
这个动感十足的素材集合包含新鲜录制的 人声 (vocals)、共鸣的 吉他 (guitars)、迷人的 合成器 (synths) 和 富有节奏感的 鼓组 (drums),旨在为您的作品注入标志性的 Amapiano 音乐律动。
使用高质量的免版税元素轻松提升您的作品品质,这些元素捕捉了 Amapiano 音乐的精髓和能量。
感受律动,丰富您的音景,使用这些典型的 Amapiano 声音创作令人兴奋的曲目吧!
Amapiano All Stars 包含:
- 43 个 鼓循环段 (Drum loops)
- 14 个打击乐循环段 (Percussion Loops)
- 11 个 贝斯 & 木琴 循环段 (Bass & Logdrum Loops)
- 2 个 铜管 循环段 (Brass Loops)
- 14 个 合成器 循环段 (Synth Loops)
- 1 个 弦乐 循环段 (String Loop)
- 8 个 原声吉他 循环段 (Acoustic Guitar Loops)
- 26 个 电吉他 循环段 (Electric Guitar Loops)
- 7 个 钢琴 循环段 (Piano Loops)
- 17 个 歌曲开场 循环段 (Songstarter Loops)
- 3 个 姆指琴 循环段 (Kalimba Loops)
- 38 个 人声 循环段 (Vocal Loops)
- 5 个 人声切片 循环段 (Vocal Chop Loops)
- 6 个 木琴 & 贝斯 单音采样 (Logdrum & Bass One Shots)
- 34 个 鼓 单音采样 (Drum One Shots)
- 7 个 人声短语 (Vocal Phrases)
- 1 个 吉他 单音采样 (Guitar One Shot)
- 免版税 (Royalty Free)
Dive into the vibrant world of Amapiano with the “Amapiano All Stars” pack, meticulously curated for enthusiasts and producers alike.
This dynamic collection features freshly recorded vocals, resonating guitars, captivating synths, and rhythmic drums, all designed to infuse your compositions with the signature Amapiano groove.
Elevate your productions effortlessly with high-quality, royalty-free elements that capture the essence and energy of the genre.
Embrace the rhythm, enrich your soundscapes, and craft infectious tracks with the quintessential sounds of Amapiano.
Amapiano All Stars contains:
43 Drum loops
14 Percussion Loops
11 Bass & Logdrum Loops
2 Brass Loops
14 Synth Loops
1 String Loop
8 Acoustic Guitar Loops
26 Electric Guitar Loops
7 Piano Loops
17 Songstarter Loops
3 Kalimba Loops
38 Vocal Loops
5 Vocal Chop Loops
6 Logdrum & Bass One Shots
34 Drum One Shots
7 Vocal Phrases
1 Guitar One Shot
Royalty Fee
· 237 Samples