eqSounds | ADSR | 160 MB
Loopmasters 呈献 Dark & Moody – 一款现代 Trap 和 Hip Hop 样本包
这个资源包专为 Trap 和 Hip-Hop 制作人而打造,但由于类型是有限的,而创造力不是,因此您可以根据自己的喜好使用它!
该资源包包含使用顶级硬件制作的五个构造套件,其中包括 82 个 24 位 Wav 格式的循环。
可用于您最喜欢的采样器或音序器,包括硬件和软件,如 Cubase、Logic、GarageBand、Digital Performer、Sony Acid、Ableton Live、Adobe Audition、Cakewalk Sonar、Pro Tools 等!
Dark, moody, and eerie, intense, and hypnotic, but most importantly – inspiring and ready to be used in your beats!
Created with a focus on Trap and Hip-Hop producers, but since genres are limiting and creativity isn’t, use them as you feel like!
The pack contains five construction kits crafted with top-quality hardware, including 82 loops in 24-bit Wav format.
Melodic loops, drum loops, and separated solo instrument loops with tempo and key marked – all you need to start creating!
Ready to use in your favourite sampler or sequencer, both hardware and software, including Cubase, Logic, GarageBand, Digital Performer, Sony Acid, Ableton Live, Adobe Audition, Cakewalk Sonar, Pro Tools and many more!
Pack Contents:
- 5 Construction Kits
- 82 Loops (24-bit WAV)
- 100% Royalty-Free
· 82 Samples