eqSounds | ADSR | 700 MB
Loopmasters 呈献 Devotion Melodic Techno – 一款现代 Techno 样本包
使用我们的最新 Devotion Melodic Techno 样本包,创作您的旋律 Techno 杰作!
- Terra: 底鼓和贝斯
- Fire: 拨弦和主音
- Water: 垫音和无人机
- Air: 氛围
灵感源自 ARTBAT、Layton Giordani、Massano、Cassian、Anyma、Hot Since 82、Joris Voorn、Monolink 等艺术家。
Create your melodic techno hits with our latest Devotion Melodic Techno pack!
The multitude of sound samples is based on the unity of natural elements:
Terra: Kicks and Basses
Fire: Plucks and Leads
Water: Pads and Drones
Air: Atmospheres
Experience the desire for the union of the elements and immerse yourself in the world of emotions.
Inspired by artists such as ARTBAT, Layton Giordani, Massano, Cassian, Anyma, Hot Since 82, Joris Voorn, Monolink, etc.
Pack Contents:
- 20 Atmosphere Loops
- 20 Drone Loops
- 30 Bass Wav Loops
- 15 Bass MIDI Loops
- 20 Synth Wav Loops
- 20 Synth MIDI Loops
- 10 FX Loops
- 40 Top Loops
- 20 Percussion Loops
- 40 Drum Loops
- 10 Background Loops
- 10 Clap Loops
- 10 Kick Loops
- 24 bit Wav + MIDI Files
- 100% Royalty-Free
· 265 Samples