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Electric Guitar Melodies

Electric Guitar Melodies

eqSounds | ADSR | 1.33 GB




现场演奏 & 演奏:感受每一个音符的真实性,因为每一段旋律都由一位熟练的吉他手专业演奏和演奏。真正的、人类的触感为你的音乐创作增添了无与伦比的现实感。节奏同步 & 根音键标签:借助节奏同步和根音键标签的内容,轻松地将这些循环整合到你的项目中。实现无缝的和谐与节奏对齐,不错过任何一个节拍。
多用途BPM范围:探索广泛的音乐可能性,循环范围从80 BPM到172 BPM。从悠闲的民谣到充满活力的颂歌,为你的制作找到完美的节奏。


高质量格式:沉浸在24位和44.1 kHz录制的WAV文件的工作室级音频质量中。以水晶般清晰的细节捕捉每一次拨弦和弹奏的细微差别。“电吉他旋律”是解锁独立、民谣和流行音乐真正本质的门户。提升你的作品,吸引你的听众,并与这个对你的音乐制作工具箱至关重要的补充一起踏上声音之旅。拥抱现场录制的电吉他旋律的有机之美,让你的创造力飞翔。



Introducing “Electric Guitar Melodies” – Your Indie, Folk, and Pop Inspiration!

Experience the authentic sounds of a live recorded electric guitar with our carefully curated sample and loop content product. “Electric Guitar Melodies” offers you premium content to enrich your music production. Enjoy the variety of indie, folk and pop genres captured through the melodies of a talented guitarist.

Live Performed & Played: Feel the authenticity in every note as each melody is expertly performed and played by a skilled guitarist. The genuine, human touch adds an unparalleled realism to your musical creations. Tempo-

Synced & Root Key Labeled: Effortlessly integrate these loops into your projects with the convenience of tempo-synced and root key-labeled content. Achieve seamless harmony and rhythm alignment without missing a beat.
Versatile BPM Range: Explore a wide range of musical possibilities with loops spanning from 80 BPM to 172 BPM. From laid-back ballads to energetic anthems, find the perfect tempo for your production.

100% Royalty-Free: Enjoy the freedom to use these electric guitar melodies in your projects without any worries about licensing restrictions. Create, share, and release your music with confidence.

High-Quality Format: Immerse yourself in studio-grade audio quality with WAV files recorded at 24-bit and 44.1 kHz. Capture the nuances of every strum and pluck in crystal-clear detail. “Electric Guitar Melodies” is a gateway to unlocking the true essence of indie, folk, and pop music. Elevate your compositions, captivate your audience, and embark on a sonic journey with this essential addition to your music production toolkit. Embrace the organic beauty of live recorded electric guitar melodies and let your creativity soar.

Important: Please note that with the exception of the Electric Guitar Melodies, all instruments are for demonstration purposes only.

Pack Contents:

  • 492 Electric Guitar Melodies Loops
  • 246 AMP Loops
  • 246 DI Loops
  • Live Performed & Played
  • Tempo-Synced & Root Key Labeled
  • 80 BPM – 172 BPM
  • 100% Royalty Free
  • Format: Wav
  • 24 Bit & 44.1 Khz




     ·     492 Samples

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