eqSounds | Producer Loops | 1 MB
Loopmasters 呈献 Full MIDI Tracks Series: Ambient Piano Vol 1 – 一款氛围钢琴 MIDI 循环集
Equinox Sounds 推出的 Full MIDI Tracks Series: Ambient Piano Vol 1,是一款独特的资源包,包含 30 首完整的梦幻般的氛围钢琴作品,以 MIDI 格式呈现,可用于您的个人和商业音乐制作,以及多媒体项目,如 YouTube 视频、电影配乐、视频制作、广播/电视节目、计算机游戏和图书馆音乐。100% 免版税。
'Full MIDI Tracks Series: Ambient Piano Vol 1' from Equinox Sounds is a unique collection that features 30 full dreamy Ambient Piano compositions in MIDI format that you can use for your personal and commercial music productions as well as for multimedia projects such as YouTube videos, film soundtracks, video productions, radio/TV programs or commercials, computer games and library music. 100% Royalty-Free.
· 90 Files