eqSounds | ADSR | 13 MB
Loopmasters 呈献 Futuristic Tech Drums – 一款现代电子鼓音效集
这个资源包包含了 59 个最佳的 Dance 和 Tech 鼓底鼓、清脆的军鼓、进步的 Electro 鼓击,帮助您创作现代化的电子鼓组和音乐。
Futuristic Tech Drums 具有高度设计的电子鼓单音样本,可帮助您带来一批全新的声音,适用于各种风格:Dance、Trance、Electro、Future Bass、EDM、Club、Pop、Progressive 以及其他流行音乐类型。
Futuristic Tech Drums 的声音调色板清晰、现代、多功能。这些样本具有清晰度、干净的纹理,并为您的音乐提供所需的鼓声,以穿透您的混音。
所有内容都经过精心组织,并带有明确的键标签。我们还在样本中添加了 Soundminer 元数据,以帮助您在正确的时间找到正确的声音。所有文件都经过混音和母带处理,为您提供开箱即用的制作就绪声音。
所有文件均为免版税,并以高质量的 24 位 WAV 格式提供,可用于最流行的采样器、DAW 和插件,并具有拖放插件功能。
This pack includes 59 of the best dance & tech drum kicks, crispy snares, progressive electro hi-hat one shots helping you create modern sounding electronic drum kits & music.
Futuristic Tech Drums features heavily designed electronic drum one shot samples and helps bring you a fresh batch of sound useful across a variety of styles: Dance, Trance, Electro, Future Bass, EDM, Club, Pop, Progressive as well as other popular music genres.
The sound palette of Futuristic Tech Drums is crispy, modern, versatile. The samples are covered in clarity, clean texture and gives your music the drums needed to punch through your mixes.
Inside you get to explore through a small but stout curated library of choice electronic styled drum one shots, snares,& hi hats.
Everything is organized into understandable folders & meticulously key tagged. We’ve added in Soundminer metadata into the samples to help you find the find right sound at the right time. All files are mixed and mastered to give you production ready sounds, out of the box.
All files are Royalty-Free and supplied to you in high quality 24-Bit WAV format that can be used in the most popular samplers, DAWs, and plugins with drag & drop plugin features.
Pack Contents:
- 59 one shots
- All in high quality 44.1k 24bit .wav file format
- 18 dance hit-hat one shots
- 22 tech drum kick one shots
- 19 crispy snare on shots
- Futuristic Tech Drum One Shot Library
- 100% Royalty Free
- Compatible with PC/MAc and all DAW’s
- Warm Dance Drum Samples
· 59 Samples