eqSounds | Splice | 176 MB
阿瑟·杜波依是一位迷人且才华横溢的法国鼓手和打击乐手,你一定曾在 Instagram 上刷到过他的视频。这位社交媒体红人凭借着异乎寻常的创意,将日常生活中意想不到的物品融入他的鼓组,演奏出奇特却让人上瘾、适合流行音乐的节拍。水槽里的水、爆米花、毛绒玩具、水管,甚至是乐高积木袋,阿瑟总能从这些意想不到的地方创造出独特的声音。
为了让更多人领略他这种让人上瘾、稀奇古怪而又足智多谋的风格,阿瑟与 Field & Foley 合作,通过 Splice 推出了超有趣的「垃圾声响」采样包。这个素材包收录了世界上独一无二的鼓点和打击乐声音,全部取材于日常用品、被遗弃的乐器和真正的“垃圾”。作为他广受欢迎的个人采样包的续作,「垃圾声响」堪称独特声音的宝库,非常适合融入嘻哈曲目、用作电影音效,或为您的鼓组增添神秘感。现在,该轮到您来用这个素材包证明“一个人的垃圾正是另一个人的宝贝”这句话的真谛了!
Arthur Dubois is the charismatic and extremely talented French drummer and percussionist you’ve certainly seen come across your Instagram timeline. The social media phenomenon with crazy pants is known for taking unlikely objects and incorporating them into his drum kits to play strange yet addictive and pop-ready beats. Whether its a bowl of water, popcorn, plush toys, a hose, or a bag of Legos, Arthur is endlessly creative when it comes to unique sounds from unique places.
Arthur teamed up with Field & Foley to bring his addictive, unusual, and resourceful style to Splice with a wildly fun collection of Junk Sounds. This pack is made up of drums and percussion that you won’t find anywhere else in the world derived from everyday objects, neglected instruments, and just plain junk. A follow up to his own hugely popular sample packs, Junk Sounds is a treasure trove of peculiar sounds that are a great fit for a hip hop track, to use as cinematic fx, or to add a mysterious edge to your own drum kits. Now it is your turn to truly prove with this pack that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
· 241 Samples