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eqSounds | Splice | 154 MB 简介


塔布拉(Tabla)可以说是世界上最具表现力的鼓之一。它拥有超过30种不同的音调或称为“bols”,听起来仿佛这对手鼓——统称为塔布拉——正在“讲述”节奏。在这个样本集中,Sonic Collective 与 Found Sound Nation 合作,与来自巴基斯坦的塔布拉大师兼打击乐手 Surojato Roy 合作,准备了一套精美复杂、传统与现代节奏以及各种塔布拉和调音的单一铃声和敲击音调。这里包含的样本是在 Surjoato 位于印度新德里的工作室录制的。

作为一位印度古典声乐家和小提琴家的儿子,Surojato 代表了他家族中七代音乐家的传统。他从小就自然而然地接触音乐,记得自己曾痴迷地在婴儿食品的牛奶罐上敲鼓。Surojato 后来成为著名的塔布拉大师和导师 Pandit Shankar Ghosh 最年轻的弟子,后者曾与传奇人物 Ravi Shankar 和 Ali Akbar Khan 广泛巡回演出,并与在1960年代和70年代将塔布拉引入西方有关。

由 Found Sound Nation 制作

由 Chris Botta 和 Enayet Kabir 编辑和混音。


Tabla is arguably one of the most expressive drums in the world. With over 30 different tones, or ‘bols’, it can seem as if the pair of hand drums, collectively called tabla, are ‘speaking’ rhythm. For this sample collection, Sonic Collective & Found Sound Nation teamed up with master tabla player and percussionist, Surojato Roy, to prepare a gorgeous set of intricate traditional and contemporary rhythms as well as singular ringing and struck tones across various tabla and tunings. The samples included here were recorded in Surjoato’s studio in New Delhi, India.

As the son of an Indian classical vocalist and violinist, Surojato represents seven generations of musicians within his family. As a small child, music came naturally, he remembers drumming obsessively on the milk cans of his baby food. Surojato went on to become the youngest-ever disciple of renowned tabla maestro and guru Pandit Shankar Ghosh, who toured extensively with legends Ravi Shankar and Ali Akbar Khan, and is associated with introducing tabla in the west during the 1960s and 70s.

Produced by Found Sound Nation

Edited and mixed by Chris Botta & Enayet Kabir




     ·     172 Samples

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大小:eqSounds | Splice | 154 MB 简介

塔布拉(Tabla)可以说是世界上最具表现力的鼓之一。它拥有超过30种不同的音调或称为“bols”,听起来仿佛这对手鼓——统称为塔布拉——正在“讲述”节奏。在这个样本集中,Sonic Collective 与 Found Sound Nation 合作,与来自巴基斯坦的塔布拉大师兼打击乐手 Surojato Roy 合作,准备了一套精美复杂、传统与现代节奏以及各种塔布拉和调音的单一铃声和敲击音调。这里包含的样本是在 Surjoato 位于印度新德里的工作室录制的。

作为一位印度古典声乐家和小提琴家的儿子,Surojato 代表了他家族中七代音乐家的传统。他从小就自然而然地接触音乐,记得自己曾痴迷地在婴儿食品的牛奶罐上敲鼓。Surojato 后来成为著名的塔布拉大师和导师 Pandit Shankar Ghosh 最年轻的弟子,后者曾与传奇人物 Ravi Shankar 和 Ali Akbar Khan 广泛巡回演出,并与在1960年代和70年代将塔布拉引入西方有关。

由 Found Sound Nation 制作

由 Chris Botta 和 Enayet Kabir 编辑和混音。


Tabla is arguably one of the most expressive drums in the world. With over 30 different tones, or ‘bols’, it can seem as if the pair of hand drums, collectively called tabla, are ‘speaking’ rhythm. For this sample collection, Sonic Collective & Found Sound Nation teamed up with master tabla player and percussionist, Surojato Roy, to prepare a gorgeous set of intricate traditional and contemporary rhythms as well as singular ringing and struck tones across various tabla and tunings. The samples included here were recorded in Surjoato’s studio in New Delhi, India.

As the son of an Indian classical vocalist and violinist, Surojato represents seven generations of musicians within his family. As a small child, music came naturally, he remembers drumming obsessively on the milk cans of his baby food. Surojato went on to become the youngest-ever disciple of renowned tabla maestro and guru Pandit Shankar Ghosh, who toured extensively with legends Ravi Shankar and Ali Akbar Khan, and is associated with introducing tabla in the west during the 1960s and 70s.

Produced by Found Sound Nation

Edited and mixed by Chris Botta & Enayet Kabir


     ·     172 Samples

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