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Taiwanese Percussion

Taiwanese Percussion

eqSounds | Splice | 1.4 GB


台湾是音乐流派的大熔炉。当地音乐受到中国历史文化的影响,而岛上的许多原住民部落继续塑造着当代的声音。在这个样本包中,Found Sound Nation 与台湾打击乐手和跨学科艺术家张晓云合作,录制了一系列台湾传统打击乐器的声音,包括有音高的塔图克(台湾木琴)和图图吉玛(竹管),以及像库库和塔图克乌邦这样的未调音鼓。

张晓云是一位受过古典音乐训练的台湾打击乐手,她与自己的原住民血统有着深厚的联系,并一直致力于研究和表演她文化中的民间音乐传统。张晓云的作品经常探索当代古典音乐与台湾本土节奏的交汇点。她还精通包括加纳的 Ewe 鼓和日本的 matsuri taiko 鼓在内的多种世界打击乐传统。张晓云与广泛的音乐传统领域的艺术家合作,从民间和当代古典音乐到实验性的即兴表演。张晓云的实践基于音乐打破界限的信念,并希望她的跨流派作品能够激发不同文化之间的联系。


Taiwan is a melting pot of musical genres. While local music is influenced by historical Chinese culture, the many aboriginal tribes of the island continue to shape contemporary sounds. For this pack, Found Sound Nation teamed up with Taiwanese percussionist and interdisciplinary artist Sayun Chang, who recorded an assortment of traditional Taiwanese percussion instruments, from the pitched Tatuk (Taiwanese xylophone) and Tutu Djima (bamboo tubes), to untuned drums like the Kuku and the Tatuk Ubung.

Sayun Chang is a classically trained percussionist from Taiwan who is deeply connected to her aborigine lineage and has worked tirelessly in researching and performing her culture’s folk music traditions. Sayun’s work frequently explores the intersection of contemporary classical music and the indigenous rhythms of Taiwan. She is also proficient in a number of world percussion traditions including Ewe drumming from Ghana and matsuri taiko drumming from Japan. Sayun has collaborated widely with artists across a broad range of musical traditions from folk and contemporary classical to experimental, improvisatory performances. Sayun’s practice is grounded in the belief that music breaks boundaries and hopes her cross-genre compositions will inspire connections between disparate cultures.


Tatuk (Taiwanese Xylophone), Tatuk Ubung, Tatu Djima, Tatu Btakan, Kuku




     ·     276 Samples

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大小:eqSounds | Splice | 1.4 GB

台湾是音乐流派的大熔炉。当地音乐受到中国历史文化的影响,而岛上的许多原住民部落继续塑造着当代的声音。在这个样本包中,Found Sound Nation 与台湾打击乐手和跨学科艺术家张晓云合作,录制了一系列台湾传统打击乐器的声音,包括有音高的塔图克(台湾木琴)和图图吉玛(竹管),以及像库库和塔图克乌邦这样的未调音鼓。

张晓云是一位受过古典音乐训练的台湾打击乐手,她与自己的原住民血统有着深厚的联系,并一直致力于研究和表演她文化中的民间音乐传统。张晓云的作品经常探索当代古典音乐与台湾本土节奏的交汇点。她还精通包括加纳的 Ewe 鼓和日本的 matsuri taiko 鼓在内的多种世界打击乐传统。张晓云与广泛的音乐传统领域的艺术家合作,从民间和当代古典音乐到实验性的即兴表演。张晓云的实践基于音乐打破界限的信念,并希望她的跨流派作品能够激发不同文化之间的联系。


Taiwan is a melting pot of musical genres. While local music is influenced by historical Chinese culture, the many aboriginal tribes of the island continue to shape contemporary sounds. For this pack, Found Sound Nation teamed up with Taiwanese percussionist and interdisciplinary artist Sayun Chang, who recorded an assortment of traditional Taiwanese percussion instruments, from the pitched Tatuk (Taiwanese xylophone) and Tutu Djima (bamboo tubes), to untuned drums like the Kuku and the Tatuk Ubung.

Sayun Chang is a classically trained percussionist from Taiwan who is deeply connected to her aborigine lineage and has worked tirelessly in researching and performing her culture’s folk music traditions. Sayun’s work frequently explores the intersection of contemporary classical music and the indigenous rhythms of Taiwan. She is also proficient in a number of world percussion traditions including Ewe drumming from Ghana and matsuri taiko drumming from Japan. Sayun has collaborated widely with artists across a broad range of musical traditions from folk and contemporary classical to experimental, improvisatory performances. Sayun’s practice is grounded in the belief that music breaks boundaries and hopes her cross-genre compositions will inspire connections between disparate cultures.


Tatuk (Taiwanese Xylophone), Tatuk Ubung, Tatu Djima, Tatu Btakan, Kuku


     ·     276 Samples



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